Tenders Electronic Daily (TED)
In the context of global business disruptions, like the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, it is now, more than ever, critical for SMEs to be resilient and run a business that can withstand external shocks. In times of high uncertainty and its impact on the ability of SMEs to thrive, the EEN is offering a unique diagnostic service, on a 1-to-1 basis.
In full confidentiality, EEN Advisors will visit your business and run relevant assessments to identify gaps within the company related to digitalisation, sustainability, financing and innovation capacities. The results of the assessment will be analysed and an action plan will be devised, in collaboration with the SME, to address the gaps and find feasible solutions, going forward. The implementation of the action plan will be supported by EEN Advisors to ensure a smooth process.
Do contact us if you’re interested in learning more about this advanced support offering. The main aim is to facilitate your company’s transition journey towards resilience and recovery and thus proceeding to your next phase of impact growth.