UK #CHLive19 for ICT resellers & dealers – 11-12th September, 2019

September 11, 2019, Wednesday Birmingham

A Company Mission for Malta based companies will be visiting Channel Live between 11-12th September, which is the UK’s only ICT trade specific conference, exhibition, thought leadership and networking event rolled into one

This is a great opportunity for Maltese resellers and dealers to openly discuss opportunities with vendors and solution providers and learn about the latest industry knowledge and opportunities by meeting face-to-face with forward-thinking suppliers and partners.

The event is organised by Swink Events in collaboration with Comms Business Magazine; both privy of a long pedigree of organising Channel only events, having previously organised twenty five regional Convergence Summit events over a sixteen year period.

Please contact Brigitte Tanti from Malta Enterprise for more information on 22477623 or

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